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Кардамон зеленый фото

You can chew on this pod, but if you find that the flavor is too strong, then the easiest way to use cardamom is to dig up these seeds and gently crush them. It can be added to your daily cup of tea, coffee, milk, or simply with a glass of warm water and honey.


widely known as the "Queen of Spice". Earlier in history, cardamom was mainly grown in South India. It was used for healing, flavoring, and even as a valuable gift. By 1524, cardamom trade in the international spice market grew significantly. Cardamom is now the main spice product in Sri Lanka.


The beneficial properties of cardamom include preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, controlling cholesterol, fighting cancer, alleviating cardiovascular problems, and improving blood circulation in the body. It is useful for the treatment of diseases of the mouth and teeth and urinary tract infections, such as cystitis, nephritis and gonorrhea. Cardamom has aphrodisiac properties and is also used as a remedy for impotence, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Ceylon Cardamom

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